T-ITSMF is a trade mark of IT-Shaped. All rights reserved.
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S 229.00
$ 190.00
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This certification is intended for all candidates seeking to demonstrate knowledge of the ITSM best practices. Nowadays, any professional who works with technology must know the principles of ITSM if they want to generate value for the IT and the business.
This is an entry certification for both professionals who are starting their career and those who have been working for years. Regardless of the level of experience, the professional is obliged to understand how the processes work.
Multiple choice
60 minutes
Foundation (Easy)
70% (28 out of 40)
1 week to redeem the voucher and 1 week to take the exam after getting the voucher
Yes, for 50% of the original price, if taken 60 days after the first result
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